Saturday, January 25, 2014

E-Book vs Traditional Books

I am an avid reader. I love books, I enjoy going to book-stores, and go through the aisles to discover new intriguing stories.  Why do I love to read? It is all about the imagination...

"Good books... They are like the world's most engaging people, all lined up to meet us... to tell us their stories, explain things we want to know, describe places we want to go." 

When the e-books came out, I wasn't a fan of them... to me there was no comparison. The beauty of a book is touching the pages, getting its scent, the aging process...this is all part of the reading experience. Truth to be told, being an avid reader is expensive, books are not cheap. There is also the issue of where to put all the books, space becomes challenging. 

Kindle or no Kindle? So I decided to compromise... I own a kindle where the majority of my books are, and I still buy books. Depending on the book... I might buy it at the store or getting it through Kindle, which is a very personal decision depending on taste. Most of the books I have in my library are from before I bought the Kindle. 

The way I label them here will be the same way I have my collections in my Kindle, and right now this is what I have so far:

Anything Basque - books from where I am from, The Basque Country.
Business Oriented 
Class & Elegance - In this section I put things about etiquette, protocol, skin care, fashion etc.
Happy and Enjoyable - Funny and entertaining books that leave you with a good feeling.
Life class - What I consider "Great Teachings".
A little bit of Romance 
Silly Purchases - is it really worth it? - Once I put a book in this category I tend to forget the book is there...

Enjoy your reading!!!


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